Is your child aggressive and can’t seem to get along with peers? Or maybe he’s hyper, can’t sit still, and is always getting in trouble at school or home? Or maybe she’s going through some life transitions like parents’ divorce or the loss of a loved one? Learn how Child Counseling can help your child…
- Improve anger management skills
- Learn problem-solving skills to improve peer relationships
- Develop impulse control skills to reduce impulsive behaviors at home and school
- Learn to express feelings and communicate more openly
- Process recent life changes in a professional, supportive environment

Issues We Frequently Address in Child Counseling:
- Physical Aggression (biting, hitting, kicking, property destruction, cruelty to animals)
- Defiance and Anger Issues (temper tantrums, refusing to follow rules, cursing, anger management, Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Adjustment Issues (divorce, birth of sibling, starting a new school or daycare, blended families, parent getting remarried)
- School Problems (behavioral problems, poor grades, attention problems, social skills, bullies)
- Physical & Sexual Abuse
- Grief (death of a parent, grandparent, sibling, pet, or other close family member or friend)
- Loss (loss of parent due to military deployment, divorce, or incarceration)
- Anxiety (separation anxiety, social anxiety, shyness)
- Sleep Issues (nightmares, night terrors, bedtime routines, poor sleep habits)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
When a child comes to our office for Child Counseling, a Child Counselor will assess the situation to identify the best counseling approach to meet his or her individual needs. Our Child Counselors use Evidence-Based Treatments for presenting problems whenever possible. Also, a combination of Child Counseling and Family Counseling may be used to most effectively resolve the presenting problems.
Child Counseling can help with a wide variety of child and family related issues. For example, Child Counseling can help include Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST) to teach and practice effective problem-solving skills, impulse control skills, and how to deal with bullying situations most effectively.
In cases dealing with past trauma, grief, or sexual, physical, or emotional abuse, many of our Child Counselors use Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Child Counseling sessions using TF-CBT have been extensively researched and found to be highly effective in helping children deal with these issues and move past these tragedies and ahead in life as quickly as possible.
Child Counseling for different types of Depression and Anxiety often involve the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT is another widely studied form of counseling that has been identified in studies as one of the Evidence-Based Treatments for both Depression and Anxiety.
Finally, when age appropriate, Child Counselors may use Prescriptive Play Therapy. This approach may include a combination of Child-Centered Play Therapy, Directive Play Therapy, Sand Tray Therapy, Art Therapy, Bibliotherapy or Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy.
What are typical results of Child Counseling?
- Learning effective anger management skills to reduce aggression and improve ability to calm down without “losing control”
- Using Problem-Solving Skills to handle peer interactions and bullying issues more positively
- Learning impulse control skills to reduce impulsivity and improve school performance and decision making skills
- Learning to identify and openly express feelings related to life transitions, such as a move, parents’ divorce, or loss of a pet
- Gaining Coping Skills to process the death of a loved one and mourn the loss in an age-appropriate way
- Dealing with Separation Anxiety or other types of Anxiety in order to begin coping with stressors in a healthy, appropriate way
Why choose Tender Hearts Child Therapy Center for Child Counseling?
- You will get the financial benefit of working with an In-Network Provider in most cases. Our Child Counselors are Credentialed with most major insurance companies
- We rely on Evidence-Based Treatments whenever possible so you will typically see the fastest, longest lasting results
- We value your time and always treat you with respect. We understand that your time is very valuable and our Counselors won’t keep you waiting. Our policy is to begin and end all counseling sessions promptly
- We offer the benefits of a larger facility with numerous Counselors on staff to best fit your needs, yet we’re not a community agency and you won’t find the sterile atmosphere that is commonplace in these settings
- You will enjoy our professional and relaxing waiting room before your session begins. Many of our clients comment that being in our office is like sitting in their own living room!
If your child is dealing with anger or aggression issues, lack of impulse control or inattention problems due to ADHD, poor school performance, symptoms of depression or various types of anxiety, or a difficult life transition, a combination of Child Counseling and Family Counseling can help. Call Us Today to see how Child Counseling can help your child and family move past any of these or other struggles and gain new skills to successfully navigate future challenges!