Tender Hearts Child Therapy Center specializes in working with children, teens & their families to address a wide array of child and teen mental health issues, as well as a variety of parenting concerns. Our Child Counselors and Family Counselors strive to provide the best services available to children, teens & their families in our area and utilize Evidence-Based Treatments whenever applicable for a presenting problem. Whether you’re seeking Child Counseling, Family Counseling, Teen Counseling, Child & Teen Group Counseling, or Parenting Classes, our Child Counselors and Family Counselors can help you reach your goals.
Click here to see specific issues we address with Child, Teen & Family Counseling

We now have 3 convenient locations to better serve our communities! In the Cape Girardeau area, visit our Main Office on Independence Street or in the Farmington, MO area, visit our Farmington Office located inside Liberty Hall or in the St. Louis area, visit our Arnold Office just off of Highway 141.
For Adult or Marriage & Couples Counseling, read about our adult services at HeartlandCounselingCenter.com.
About the Practice and the Communities we serve:
Although many confuse us with the more common agency setting, Tender Hearts Child Therapy Center is actually a Group Private Practice. As a Private Practice, we are not limited by the geographical restrictions that most agency settings have to deal with.
Child Counselors and Family Counselors at our Cape Girardeau MO office routinely see clients from the Southeast Missouri region and many travel from Southern Illinois as well. Whether you’re coming from Northern areas of the Heartland such as Perryville, Southern areas like Sikeston or Caruthersville, from the West in Dexter or Poplar Bluff, or even across the Mighty Mississippi in Carbondale or beyond, we are able to work with you and your family to serve all of your Child Counseling and Family Counseling needs!
With the addition of our Farmington MO office in 2015 and an Arnold MO location in December 2019, we are now able to conveniently serve clients in the Parkland area in communities such as Ironton, Bonne Terre, and Ste. Genevieve as well as locations near the Arnold office like Fenton, Festus, and even South St. Louis County!
Issues We Frequently Address in Child Counseling, Teen Counseling & Family Counseling:
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Physical Aggression (biting, hitting, kicking, property destruction, cruelty to animals)
- Defiance and Temper Tantrums (anger issues, refusing to follow rules, cursing)
- Adjustment Issues (divorce, birth of sibling, starting a new school or daycare, blended families, parent getting remarried)
- School Problems (behavioral problems, poor grades, attention problems, social skills, bullying)
- Physical & Sexual Abuse
- Childhood Grief (death of a parent, grandparent, sibling, pet, or other close family member or friend)
- Loss (loss of parent due to military deployment, divorce, or incarceration)
- Anxiety (separation anxiety, social anxiety, shyness)
- Sleep Issues (nightmares, night terrors, bedtime routines, poor sleep habits
- Family Communication issues (lack of open communication between teen and parents)
- Parent-Teen Relationship Issues (defiance, disrespect, refusal to follow household rules)
- School Issues (poor grades, behavioral issues, issues with authority figures, poor attendance, peer pressure)
- Depression (withdrawal, relationship issues, poor social skills)
- Low Self-Esteem (poor body image, feelings of inadequacy)
- Anxiety (social anxiety, test anxiety)
- Parenting Skills (effective discipline, consistent consequences, household rules)
- Family Communication (open communication within families)
- Co-Parenting (adjusting to blended families, consistent expectations between households)
Counselors at Tender Hearts use a variety of treatment modalities, each specifically tailored to meet the needs of individual clients and their families. Counselors frequently use a combination of Individual Counseling and Family Counseling as needed to best address the needs of the individual child or teen and his or her family. Family Counselors frequently address parenting/discipline skills and other concerns within the family.